How to Discuss Your Favorite Product in a PM Interview: A Deep Dive into YouTube

When preparing for a Product Manager (PM) interview, one common question you might encounter is “What’s your favorite product and why?”

4 min readJun 3, 2024

This question is designed to assess your analytical skills, understanding of product design, and passion for product management. Here, we’ll break down how to structure your answer effectively, using YouTube as an example.

Product Introduction

YouTube is a global platform for video sharing where users can upload, watch, and interact with videos. It combines entertainment, education, and community engagement, serving as a versatile hub for all types of content.

How it impacts me

YouTube has been a cornerstone of my daily life, enriching and enlightening me in ways I couldn’t have imagined. From watching TED talks that fuel my motivation, to planning itineraries for my travels, the platform has been instrumental in broadening my horizons. I’ve learned to code, mastered new cooking techniques, and even developed my fitness routine through instructional gym videos. YouTube not only tunes into my workout sessions with pumping music but also entertains me with a vast selection of movies, shows, and insightful reviews. This incredible mix of educational content, motivational resources, and entertainment options has made YouTube an irreplaceable part of my personal and professional growth.


YouTube operates as a three-sided marketplace, catering to:

Content Creators

Individuals and organizations who produce and upload content, ranging from independent vloggers to large media companies.


A global audience that consumes content for education, entertainment, and information.


Businesses and individuals looking to promote their products or services to YouTube’s extensive user base through targeted advertising.

Pain Points

YouTube effectively resolves issues like accessibility to diverse content and provides a stage for people to showcase their talents. It also helps users find solutions, learn new skills, and entertain themselves through a vast array of videos tailored to different tastes and needs.

Comparative Product Analysis

User-Centric Innovation

YouTube’s PMs continuously enhance user experience by introducing features that make content discovery and interaction seamless. This ongoing innovation keeps me engaged and enhances my daily use of the platform.

Revenue Growth and Creator Support

The PMs have developed effective monetization tools that benefit creators, enriching the platform with diverse, quality content. This supports a thriving creative community which, in turn, enriches the viewer experience.

Operational Excellence

Rapid feature rollouts and efficient problem-solving ensure YouTube stays reliable and ahead of its competitors, reinforcing my choice to use it regularly.

Strategic Vision

YouTube PMs aim to give everyone a voice and show them the world, which resonates with my personal and professional interests.

Sub-Products of YouTube

YouTube Premium

Enhances viewing experience by removing ads and providing background playback.

YouTube Music

A dedicated music streaming service that offers a comprehensive library of music videos, albums, and live performances.

YouTube Kids

Tailored for children, this app offers family-friendly content that promotes fun and learning in a secure environment.

YouTube TV

Allows users to stream live television and on-demand content from popular cable networks and broadcast stations.

YouTube Shorts

A feature that encourages creativity through short-form videos, perfect for capturing quick, engaging content.

Favorite Features:

Monetization Tools (Super Chat, Ad Revenue, Channel Memberships)

These tools provide multiple streams of income for creators, enabling them to monetize their passion and creativity effectively. It’s particularly beneficial for turning a hobby or interest into a sustainable career.

YouTube Analytics

This robust analytics platform helps creators track the performance of their videos through detailed metrics, such as view counts, engagement rates, and demographic data. This insight is invaluable for optimizing content and growing a channel.


C — Comprehend the Situation

Clarify the scope: YouTube users and creators often face challenges with opaque moderation actions and copyright enforcement, which can lead to confusion and dissatisfaction. Understanding how these issues affect user trust and creator content is essential.

I — Identify the Customer

Target Audience:

  • Creators: Who regularly produce and monetize content.
  • Viewers: Who consume content and interact with the platform.
  • Advertisers: Who want a safe and regulated environment for their brands.

R — Report the Need

Specific Needs for Creators:

  • Transparency: Creators need clear, understandable explanations for moderation actions and copyright strikes affecting their videos.
  • Fairness: Assurance that their content is treated equally and fairly across the platform.
  • Support: An efficient appeal process that is responsive and effective, giving creators a fair chance to resolve issues.

C — Cut Through the Priorities

Priority Issues for Creators:

  1. Lack of detailed information on why content is moderated or removed.
  2. A cumbersome and opaque appeal process for decisions affecting their content.
  3. Inconsistencies in policy enforcement that can lead to perceived unfair treatment.

L — List the Solutions

Proposed Solutions for Creators:

  1. Detailed Feedback System: Develop a mechanism to provide detailed explanations for moderation actions directly within the creator dashboard, referencing specific aspects of the content and the corresponding policy violation.
  2. Streamlined Appeals: Simplify the appeals process by introducing a straightforward, step-by-step guide in the creator dashboard, including clear timelines for responses and updates.
  3. Consistency in Enforcement: Employ advanced AI technology alongside human oversight to ensure consistent and fair policy enforcement across all creator content.

E — Evaluate Trade-offs

Assessment of Proposed Solutions:

Detailed Feedback System

May require significant investment in resources to provide personalized feedback.

Streamlined Appeals

Increased demand for support staff to handle potentially higher volumes of appeals.

Consistency in Enforcement

Implementation could be technically challenging and resource-intensive.

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